Support services

Marianopolis is a caring and close-knit community of dedicated professionals from every field of expertise. We get to know students personally and provide easily accessible one-on-one support every school day. Whether we are faculty, staff or administrators, at Marianopolis we all believe that our #1 purpose is to help students succeed.

  • Academic Advising

    Academic Advisors help students understand their program at Marianopolis, support students in reaching their academic goals and provide information, advice, and guidance as students make decisions about university. They hold workshops and events related to university applications, organize university visits to the Marianopolis campus, and meet one-on-one with students to answer individual questions and concerns.

    What kind of support do Academic Advisors offer students?

    Academic Advisors guide students on many matters during their time at the College including:

    Registration and courses   

    • Course registration, course load, program planning and summer school
    • Dropping courses
    • Program information and program changes
    • Graduation requirements
    • Membership in Alliance Sport-Études

    Academic success    


    • Developing an education plan by researching university and program options and entry requirements, in conjunction with career counselling
    • Understanding the university application process for universities in and outside Canada
    • Program content and structure: majors, minors, honours, co-op, etc.
    • Pre-requisites and other admission requirements, including how the R-score is used
    • Contingency planning
    • Writing application essays and résumés
    • Preparing for admission interviews
    • Researching and completing scholarship applications


    For general Academic Advising questions, including university applications in Canada:
    Maria Elena Abraham, Academic Advisor
    Tanja Geurtsen, Academic Advisor
    Isabelle Gryn, Academic Advisor

    For questions regarding enrichment opportunities, scholarships, and international university applications:
    Jennifer Mancini, Student Success Advisor

    For students who are experiencing difficulties in their studies, or who require support with time management and organizational skills:
    Patricia Arbelaez, Academic Support Services Advisor

    For questions about absences, makeup tests, final exams, grade appeals, academic integrity, and other matters contained in the College’s IPESA:
    Rosella Ambrosi, Assistant to the Office of the Associate Dean, Student Success

    Students can book an appointment with an Advisor through Omnivox, under “Academic Advising and Counselling Appointments.” Students can also see an Advisor without an appointment during drop-in hours; the schedule and access link is available in Omnivox.

  • AccessAbility Centre

    The AccessAbility Centre provides services and accommodations to students with documented disabilities such as learning or physical disabilities, ADHD, visual and auditory impairments, mental health and temporary disabilities. The Adapted Services Counselor and the AccessAbility Technician offer one-on-one coaching or group workshops on learning and organizational strategies, student advocacy, faculty support, information for parents and help in transitioning from high school and/or to university.

    How can students register with the AccessAbility Centre?

    Incoming students must submit an assessment that includes a clear diagnosis shortly after receiving their admission letter to attend the College. They should email or mail their assessment and the Request for Accommodations Form to the AccessAbility Centre.

    Returning students who receive a diagnosis or encounter barriers in their learning and would like to register with the AccessAbility Centre must submit an assessment that includes a clear diagnosis. They should email their assessment and the Request for Accommodations Form to the AccessAbility Centre.

    Depending on the disability, assessments should include:

    • a clear diagnosis recognized by the American Psychological Association or the World Health Organization (as listed in the DSM or ICD)
    • the name, signature and credentials of the licensed Quebec professional who posed the diagnosis
    • the date of the assessment (preferably completed within the last five years)
    • a list of all tests administered and a report of all results, when pertinent
    • the impact of the disability on academic performance.

    An Individualized Educational Plan from the student’s high school is not sufficient proof to request accommodations at Marianopolis College. Please note that documents containing statements such as “compatible with, appears to, symptoms of, hypothesis of,” or any other non-specific statement are not considered a clearly confirmed diagnosis, and students may be asked to provide an addendum or additional supporting documentation.

    Upon receipt of the documentation, the AccessAbility Center will schedule a meeting with the student to discuss their accommodations, reasonable and justifiable, that the College can grant without compromising the integrity of courses

    How are accommodations provided?

    Students who are registered with the AccessAbility Centre will receive detailed instructions and tips for success in their courses. Each of the student’s teachers will be informed of the student’s profile and of the accommodations the student is entitled to receive in the course. AccessAbility Centre staff will help registered students set up and use any assistive technology. More details about accommodations  can be found in these AccessAbility Centre guidelines.


    Dr. Ioana Constantinescu, Adapted Services Counsellor
    Sophia Barnard, AccessAbility Technician
    Cristina Capogrosso, AccessAbility Assistant

  • Counselling Services

    Counselling Services helps students with mental-health concerns, social and personal issues and career choices. Through individualized sessions, group workshops, referrals and self-help resources, Counselling Services supports students in building self-awareness, resilience and skills that foster academic success and personal growth.


    Pat Baker, Psychologist
    Joëlle Elbaz, Psychologist
    Angela Kovalak, Psychologist
    Amanda Guay, Social Worker
    Josie Cavaliere, Assistant to the Office of Student Affairs

    Students can book an appointment to meet with a member of Counselling Services by sending a MIO to Josie Cavaliere. Students must complete a consent form before their first session.


    Counselling Resources Directory is a list of support services in and around Montreal
    Emergency Resources Directory is a selection of emergency services in and around Montreal

  • Financial Aid

    The College provides various forms of financial aid, while helping students seek loans, bursaries and scholarships from the government and from other external sources. Most students are informed of whether they will receive financial aid in the spring, well before they must confirm if they will attend the College during the next fall semester.


    Eileen Tarverdian, Financial Support Technician

  • Information Technology Services

    Information Technology Services (ITS) supports all members of the Marianopolis community with their technology needs while equipping the College with a wide array of technological tools for teaching and learning.

    What kinds of technology do students need for class?

    Each student needs a laptop or desktop computer that includes a camera and microphone (built-in or installed separately), as well as a reliable internet connection.

    Each student’s Marianopolis account gives them access to the College’s online platforms. Students should familiarize themselves with each of these platforms and make sure to read their course outlines carefully to find out which ones their teachers may use in their class.

    A vast array of equipment (laptops, digital cameras, voice recorders, clickers) is available for short-term borrowing from Teaching and Learning Technology (TLT) service counter (A-362) and can be booked through The Hub using My TLT Bookings.

    How can students get technical help?

    Students who need help with a technical issue can visit the Teaching and Learning Technology (TLT) service counter (A-362). They can also submit a support request online, by visiting the Hub and selecting “My TLT Support” then “ITS Support Form.” An ITS technician will respond with an in-person or virtual appointment time.

  • Registrar Services

    Registrar Services handles a range of processes that take students through their entire trajectory at Marianopolis, from admission to graduation, including:

    • Providing information that helps prospective students learn about and apply to the College
    • Coordinating the admissions, registration and scheduling processes
    • Maintaining student records and the Omnivox student portal
    • Overseeing final examinations, grade submissions and R-Score information
    • Issuing academic transcripts and distributing diplomas

    How can students get their transcript, diploma or official forms?

    • Transcripts and letters of attendance can be ordered easily via Omnivox, under “Document Request.” You can also see your grades and your unofficial transcript under “Final Grades.”
    • Diplomas are issued by the Ministry of Higher Education upon confirmation by Marianopolis that the student has satisfied the government’s conditions for the certification of studies. As soon as your diploma has arrived at the College from the Ministry of Higher Education, we will notify you via Omnivox with instructions on how to pick it up or make a request to have it mailed to you.
    • Official forms are also available via Omnivox, under “Document Request.” The Attestation of Quebec Residency Status form is available online through the Ministry of Higher Education.


  • Respectful Community

    The College is committed to fostering an environment where all members of its community feel respected, safe and free from sexual violence and psychological harassment. Through its policies on sexual violence and psychological harassment, Marianopolis ensures access to appropriate and timely resources, as well as a fair process for responding to and investigating reports/complaints.

    As the on-campus resource person on matters of sexual violence and psychological harassment, the College’s social worker offers confidential consultation, education and support regarding any concerns, disclosures, reports or complaints around sexual violence, harassment, bullying/cyber-bullying, corresponding code of conduct concerns and other related issues. The social worker is sensitive to the vulnerabilities of survivors/victims, as well as the intersecting identities they may have, and is committed to maintaining the integrity and safety of all individuals seeking support.


    Students can book an appointment by sending a MIO to Amanda Guay, Social Worker.
    Employees can book an appointment by sending an email to Amanda Guay, Social Worker.


    Policies on sexual violence and psychological harassment
    Declaration of services for survivors of criminal acts

    Students can access counselling by sending a MIO to Josie Cavaliere, Student Affairs Technician
    Employees can access counselling through the Employee Assistance Program

    Anyone can access counselling through these community services:
    Montreal Sexual Assault Centre
    Kids Help Phone
    SOS Violence Conjugale
    Counselling Resources Directory is a list of support services in Montreal

    Helpful videos
    Introduction to support services
    Consent culture
    Bystander intervention
    Supporting survivors

  • Tutoring Centre

    Students who experience difficulties in a specific course can benefit from one‐on‐one tutoring to improve their performance in that course, gain confidence about the course material and develop active learning and critical thinking skills. Most tutors are Marianopolis students, while some are recent graduates. Tutors are selected on the basis of their strong academic performance in a particular discipline as well as their communication and interpersonal skills. All tutors go through an interview process and participate in a training workshop. Tutoring is offered at no extra cost.

    In which subjects is tutoring offered?

    Tutoring is offered in a wide variety of disciplines including: Biology, Chemistry, Economics, French, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Quantitative Methods and Western Civilization.

    How does tutoring work?

    Students may apply for tutoring at any point during the semester. Students and alumni are also welcome to apply to become tutors at any time. Each request for tutoring is considered in coordination with faculty and every effort is made to offer appropriate individual support. Typically, students meet with a tutor for weekly one‐hour sessions. The appointments generally continue until the student’s understanding of the course content has improved.

    How can students apply for tutoring?

    Apply to receive tutoring
    Apply to become a peer tutor
    Apply to become an alumni tutor


    Laura Paris, Learning Resources Centre Clerk

  • Student Affairs

    Marianopolis prides itself on its vibrant student life and its many enriching opportunities outside the classroom. Student Affairs provides support and animation for student clubs and extra-curricular activities, as well as information to all students on topics such as housing, employment, volunteering, safety and student conduct.

    At the heart of Student Affairs is the Campus Store (A-101), or “Wayne’s World” as it’s affectionately known, the go-to place for students to buy just about anything and to get answers to just about every question they may have.


    Adam Reider, Student Life Counsellor
    Josie Cavaliere, Assistant to the Office of Student Affairs
    Wayne Clasper, Campus Store Clerk

  • Writing Centre

    The Writing Centre is where students can improve their English and French language ability through professional pedagogical support. Writing Centre support is offered at no extra cost.

    What can the Writing Centre help students do?

    The Writing Centre helps students:

    • Learn and apply English and French grammar
    • Learn and practice sentence structure and write effective sentences
    • Practice speaking and pronunciation
    • Read more effectively
    • Self-edit, revise and rewrite graded essays for improved grammar

    Writing Centre staff does not comment on content or proofread assignments. Language monitors examine a sample of student work to point out the types of language errors a student makes.

    While the Writing Centre provides support in grammar, reading and writing, the Library provides help in research and citation styles.

    What types of help is available?

    Here are the various ways that students can receive support from the Writing Centre:

    • One-time appointment or a series of weekly appointments with an English monitor. Students who could benefit from guidance in English may request a one-time appointment or a series of appointments to reinforce their English language skills so that they can be more successful in their courses and the English Exit Exam. These sessions may include vocabulary, grammar exercises, editing practices and error analysis.
    • Individual regular sessions with a French monitor. Students in certain French classes are automatically assigned a French monitor; for example, students enrolled in French 602-100, 602-LPW and 602-009 benefit from individual sessions with French monitors to supplement class instruction. Topics include understanding spoken and written French, pronunciation, grammar and spelling.
    • Individual weekly sessions with a French peer tutor. Students benefit from working together and, in peer tutoring, students help other students and learn from each other. Typically, both the tutor and the tutee establish goals at the beginning of the semester, with guidance from French teachers. Weekly sessions focus on areas most in need of French language support.
    • Independent study. Tip sheets on English grammar, reading and writing topics are available at Students may complete the exercises included in tip sheets and review their answers with an English monitor.
    • English Exit Exam preparation. Small group preparatory sessions provide additional focused support for comprehension, organization and expression evaluated in the Ministry of Education’s required English Exit Exam. Preparatory sessions are offered in the fall semester. Individual help is offered in the winter semester.
    • Reviewing university application essays. Writing Centre staff, along with Academic Advisors, review and comment on university application essays.


    Students can book an appointment with the Writing Centre through Omnivox by clicking “Academic Advising and Counselling Appointments” and selecting “Writing Centre.”